Landscape & scenery photos from Toughannock Creek
My girlfriend took this picture with my camera, and I'm not sure how she did it. Instead of being crisp and sharp it has a surreal look like an oil painting, perfect for the scene. (Edit in 2011: Now that I see this picture so high up on the popular list, perhaps I should point out that she's now my wife, so there's no confusion.)
I believe this is the highest free-falling waterfall in the East. The pool below it is off-limits to fishing but probably isn't that great, anyway -- by all accounts the stream's trout population is mediocre at best.
Date AddedOct 4, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Here I was unsuccessfully trying to find some lake-run fish that would have been stopped by the impressive barrier in the background. I didn't see any fish.
Date AddedOct 4, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
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