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> > Toughannock Creek

Landscape & scenery photos from Toughannock Creek

My girlfriend took this picture with my camera, and I'm not sure how she did it.  Instead of being crisp and sharp it has a surreal look like an oil painting, perfect for the scene.  (Edit in 2011:  Now that I see this picture so high up on the popular list, perhaps I should point out that she's now my wife, so there's no confusion.) From Toughannock Creek in New York.
My girlfriend took this picture with my camera, and I'm not sure how she did it. Instead of being crisp and sharp it has a surreal look like an oil painting, perfect for the scene. (Edit in 2011: Now that I see this picture so high up on the popular list, perhaps I should point out that she's now my wife, so there's no confusion.)
Date TakenOct 30, 2005
Date AddedMay 19, 2006
 From Toughannock Creek in New York.
Date TakenOct 28, 2005
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
I believe this is the highest free-falling waterfall in the East.  The pool below it is off-limits to fishing but probably isn't that great, anyway -- by all accounts the stream's trout population is mediocre at best. From Toughannock Creek in New York.
I believe this is the highest free-falling waterfall in the East. The pool below it is off-limits to fishing but probably isn't that great, anyway -- by all accounts the stream's trout population is mediocre at best.
Date TakenSep 17, 2006
Date AddedOct 4, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Here I was unsuccessfully trying to find some lake-run fish that would have been stopped by the impressive barrier in the background.  I didn't see any fish. From Toughannock Creek in New York.
Here I was unsuccessfully trying to find some lake-run fish that would have been stopped by the impressive barrier in the background. I didn't see any fish.
Date TakenOct 30, 2005
Date AddedFeb 9, 2006
 From Toughannock Creek in New York.
Date TakenSep 17, 2006
Date AddedOct 4, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi

Recent Discussions of Toughannock Creek

Posted by KIngoThings on Apr 1, 2017
Last reply on Apr 3, 2017 by Jmd123
Hi! I've tried to find that bridge in the top photo but can't :(
Where is it please?
Thank you. :)
ReplySTONE BRIDGE 1 Reply »
Posted by KIngoThings on Mar 8, 2017
Last reply on Mar 8, 2017 by Troutnut
Beautiful photos! :)
Can you tell me exactly where that stone bridge is please?
Thank you!
ReplyThis is why... 1 Reply »
Posted by SLink on May 9, 2013
Last reply on May 13, 2013 by Brookyman
This is why I love the outdoors. Great pictures.

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