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> > The Tanana River

Landscape & scenery photos from the Tanana River

 From the Tanana River in Alaska.
LocationTanana River
Date TakenNov 5, 2011
Date AddedNov 10, 2011
 From the Tanana River in Alaska.
LocationTanana River
Date TakenNov 5, 2011
Date AddedNov 10, 2011
 From the Tanana River in Alaska.
LocationTanana River
Date TakenNov 5, 2011
Date AddedNov 10, 2011
This partial solar eclipse today was most prominent across parts of Siberia, the Arctic Ocean, and Scandanavia, but I caught the outer edge of it here in Fairbanks, Alaska.  I went out to a quiet spot next to the Tanana River behind the airport, and shot this composite photo of several short exposures of the sun during the eclipse, and one longer exposure at the end, capturing the thin clouds that crept into the frame. From the Tanana River in Alaska.
This partial solar eclipse today was most prominent across parts of Siberia, the Arctic Ocean, and Scandanavia, but I caught the outer edge of it here in Fairbanks, Alaska. I went out to a quiet spot next to the Tanana River behind the airport, and shot this composite photo of several short exposures of the sun during the eclipse, and one longer exposure at the end, capturing the thin clouds that crept into the frame.
LocationTanana River
Date TakenJun 1, 2011
Date AddedJun 1, 2011
This was a typical late-winter sunset over the frozen Tanana River, a popular highway for mushers and skiiers outside of Fairbanks until the ice becomes unnavigable due to overflow sometime in April. From the Tanana River in Alaska.
This was a typical late-winter sunset over the frozen Tanana River, a popular highway for mushers and skiiers outside of Fairbanks until the ice becomes unnavigable due to overflow sometime in April.
LocationTanana River
Date TakenMar 11, 2014
Date AddedApr 14, 2014

Videos from the Tanana River

Spring break-up on the Tanana River near Fairbanks
On April 26, 2014, we caught the last of the contiguous ice across the Tanana River near Fairbanks breaking up and washing away.
LocationTanana River
Date ShotApr 26, 2014
Date AddedMay 4, 2014
CameraNikon P7700

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