About "Mystery Creeks": I love small streams, but some of my favorite little trout streams are too small and too fragile to publicize here. If you recognize one of these, you already understand why I'm keeping it a secret. These are the kinds of places that lose a little bit of their charm if you see someone else's week-old footprint, and I don't want to do that to them.Landscape & scenery photos from Mystery Creek # 217
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
A 15 3/4" Brook Trout, my personal best. I saw this fish chase a smaller one out of the depths of a deep pool, but without a great view I thought it was just a good-sized rainbow. I worked the pool for 15-20 minutes trying to catch that "rainbow" and was thrilled when, after a few minutes of strong fighting, it came close enough for me to see the giant brook trout on the end of my line.
Date AddedJun 12, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Inviting pool on a sizable river in the Yellowstone backcountry
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Date AddedJun 11, 2019
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
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