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> > Merry Christmas Troutnuts

MartinlfDecember 20th, 2019, 6:12 am
Palmyra PA

Posts: 3233
Hi, things are going to get busy in our home very soon, so I'm posting this up now. All best wishes to all Troutnuts, especially Jonathon, Lee, Jason, Roger, Spence, Eric, Lloyd (if he's taking a look), Kurt, and Matt. I've learned a lot from you all over the years, and appreciate the cameraderie. Matt, I didn't want to hijack the streamer thread, but I'm very much looking forward to fishing with you in late June. We'll have the driftboat three days in a row. Let's hope for good flows and lots of bugs. I'm tying spinners every day now, soon to move on to emergers and cripples.
"He spread them a yard and a half. 'And every one that got away is this big.'"

--Fred Chappell
PartsmanDecember 20th, 2019, 4:36 pm
bancroft michigan

Posts: 420
Yep, things are already busy here, and the weather is breaking a bit so I think Monday will find me on a beautiful stretch of river, streamers and nymphs will be the bugs of choice, but just getting out is the main attraction! Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to all of you, may the new year bring great fishing! Peace!
Jmd123December 21st, 2019, 5:58 am
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2611
Likewise Louis and Mike and all of the other Troutnuts out there! The Christmas holiday season is upon us and I am eagerly awaiting ice fishing, but that's not neighbor and I are planning a trip to the Florida keys in February for some...wait for it...KAYAK FLY FISHING IN THE SALT!!! A dream come true if it comes together, plus I have been buying some new astronomy toys lately (courtesy of my dear late Mother who left us a big chunk of cash!!! Thanks Mom, love you forever!!!) for the possibility of hitting the Winter Star Party for a few days at snorkeling, beach-combing, bikini-watching (with apologies to our female Troutnuts!)…

All is in the planning phase right now but Ron hooked up with a fellow down there who claims to be 400 yards from the best fishing in the keys and he has kayaks!!!! Already have an 8-weight & gonna get me a 7 too, got my eyes on one at my local'll see it and everything on here, if we pull this off I will be posting plenty of pics of our adventures and misadventures chasing fishies on the flats and in the cuts and near the pilings and...

Season's greetings to all Troutnuts everywhere!

No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
WbranchDecember 21st, 2019, 11:36 am
York & Starlight PA

Posts: 2733
Thanks Louis and the same to all my other friends on Troutnut. The guys who often chime in with their thoughts and the quieter fellows who just enjoy reading out correspondence. Merry Christmas to everyone and have a Blessed time with your families and friends. Happy New Year with wonderful angling and lots of memories.

Catskill fly fisher for fifty-five years.

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