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> > Fishing with my Nephew: Fifth Annual Trip

Martinlf has attached these 11 pictures to this report. The message is below.
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Marv and Lou on the Deschutes
Marv and Lou on the Deschutes
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Our Exceptional Guides, Elke and Alysia Littleleaf
Our Exceptional Guides, Elke and Alysia Littleleaf
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Marv, with Shane, Elke and Alysia's son.  And a beautiful rainbow trout.
Marv, with Shane, Elke and Alysia's son. And a beautiful rainbow trout.
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Lava Cliffs
Lava Cliffs
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Marvin's Bull Trout--yes it took a dry fly.
Marvin's Bull Trout--yes it took a dry fly.
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My biggest Redband--See the bright red gill plate?
My biggest Redband--See the bright red gill plate?
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Another Deschutes Redband at Mecca Cliffs.  The hike down was treacherous, but the fishing was excellent!
Another Deschutes Redband at Mecca Cliffs. The hike down was treacherous, but the fishing was excellent!
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A gorgeous stream full of eager little rainbows.
A gorgeous stream full of eager little rainbows.
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The bugs--golden stones
The bugs--golden stones
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And salmonfly.  Huge bugs.  One night returning to the hotel, I got my chest pack to organize some stuff.  In the elevator I felt something on my hand and looked down to find four salmonflies that had hitched a ride.  They were all over us as we made our way through the brush to fish under the trees and bushed that were thick with them.
And salmonfly. Huge bugs. One night returning to the hotel, I got my chest pack to organize some stuff. In the elevator I felt something on my hand and looked down to find four salmonflies that had hitched a ride. They were all over us as we made our way through the brush to fish under the trees and bushed that were thick with them.

Report at a Glance

General RegionOregon
Specific LocationDeschutes and Crooked River
Time of DaySunrise to sundown most days
Fish CaughtRedbands and Rainbows--and a Bull Trout!
Conditions & HatchesSalmonflies, golden stoneflies, caddis

Details and Discussion

MartinlfJune 8th, 2018, 12:33 pm
Palmyra PA

Posts: 3233
My nephew Marvin and I fished the Deschutes and Crooked Rivers in Oregon. For the Deschutes, it was big bugs and fish; for the Crooked, caddis and small rainbows. The Deschutes has a strain of rainbows called Redbands. They are known for their size and tenacity. The landscapes were gorgeous and we had Native American guides two days who were exceptional.
"He spread them a yard and a half. 'And every one that got away is this big.'"

--Fred Chappell
RleePJune 8th, 2018, 1:29 pm
NW PA - Pennsylvania's Glacial Pothole Wonderland

Posts: 398
Great stuff, Louis.. Brought back some nice memories. We had friends who had a horse ranch near Alfalfa about halfway between Redmond and the BLM section of the Crooked below Bowman Dam. We went out to see them just about every year from 1997 to 2006 or so. Actually, when I remarried in 1997, we honeymooned for two weeks at the SunRiver resort about 25 miles south of Bend and fished every day.

I had many great days on the big river at Mecca Flats and also spent a lot of time on the public section of the Crooked. Back then, the biologists said that the Crooked was carrying around 8,000 redsides/mile. But only about 5 of them were over 12"..:) Didn't matter to me. I loved it just the way it was.

If you go back, you owe yourself some time on the Metolius. Tough fish (at least for me..), but probably the most beautiful trout stream I've ever fished.

I'm glad you enjoyed it and did well...
MartinlfJune 8th, 2018, 7:53 pm
Palmyra PA

Posts: 3233
Lee, I'll almost certainly go back. Marvin now lives in Estacada, at the foot of Mt. Hood, about 2 hours from the Deschutes. We almost went to the Metolius, but ran out of time. But we're making plans to hit it in the future. This is likely the first of many trips to Oregon for me. Glad the description and photos warmed your heart. We had a marvelous time, and the country was breathtaking. We actually based in Redmond, eating at the Shari's there early in the morning and late night when returning. Great Marionberry pie.
"He spread them a yard and a half. 'And every one that got away is this big.'"

--Fred Chappell
WbranchJune 9th, 2018, 1:54 pm
York & Starlight PA

Posts: 2733
Hi Louis,

It sounds like you had a fun trip. I have been Facebook friends with Elke for at least two years. Is he really as tall as he looks in many of his pictures? He looks like the kind of guy not to infringe on his rising trout.
Catskill fly fisher for fifty-five years.
MartinlfJune 9th, 2018, 8:31 pm
Palmyra PA

Posts: 3233
Yes, Matt, he's that tall. And Alysia is tiny. They were a great team.
"He spread them a yard and a half. 'And every one that got away is this big.'"

--Fred Chappell

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