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> > Indiana flying insect ID - Thanksgiving 2017

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BnorikaneNovember 29th, 2017, 6:37 am

Posts: 15
My brother noticed a large swarm of flying insects all around his house over the Thanksgiving weekend. He lives in northern Indiana. They would fly around and land in the grass.
They look like chironomids to me although the wings are not long and thin and don't rest horizontally folded over the back. There's a small pond across the street.

Any ideas what they are?
MillcreekNovember 29th, 2017, 10:15 am
Healdsburg, CA

Posts: 356
Bruce - Looks like some kind of Crane Fly. Here's one from Bugguide.

BnorikaneDecember 17th, 2017, 3:42 am

Posts: 15
Thanks Millcreek!

I have never seen Crane Flies that small or so numerous.

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