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> > The boys were back in town, part 3 - Clark's Marsh

Jmd123 has attached these 17 pictures. The message is below.
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Launching into destination number two, the bass pond at Clark's Marsh
Launching into destination number two, the bass pond at Clark's Marsh
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The boys with the first fall colors, red maples of course
The boys with the first fall colors, red maples of course
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These lily pads were full of boils and swirls as we paddled through
These lily pads were full of boils and swirls as we paddled through
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Success at last!  Nice fat 16-er from the Marsh, in a deeper back channel on a #10 KBF
Success at last! Nice fat 16-er from the Marsh, in a deeper back channel on a #10 KBF
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Prospecting for bass in the backwaters
Prospecting for bass in the backwaters
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Bass water, home of that 16-er
Bass water, home of that 16-er
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Wildflower bouquet in the middle of the marshlands (Bidens sp., possibly beckii?)
Wildflower bouquet in the middle of the marshlands (Bidens sp., possibly beckii?)
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Serious wetland habitat, beautiful and diverse
Serious wetland habitat, beautiful and diverse
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Whorled loosestrife (Decodon verticellatus), a beautiful native relative of the evil purple loosestrife
Whorled loosestrife (Decodon verticellatus), a beautiful native relative of the evil purple loosestrife
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Major habitat - this place sees a LOT of bird activity at various times, including bald eagles, trumpeter swans, blue herons, pileated woodpeckers, wood ducks, hooded mergansers, yellow-rumped warblers...
Major habitat - this place sees a LOT of bird activity at various times, including bald eagles, trumpeter swans, blue herons, pileated woodpeckers, wood ducks, hooded mergansers, yellow-rumped warblers...
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Working the bass waters
Working the bass waters
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Low-rider...flipped my kayak for the first time ever
Low-rider...flipped my kayak for the first time ever
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Notice the water line on my shirt
Notice the water line on my shirt
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Todd continuing with Joe's lessons
Todd continuing with Joe's lessons
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Fly boxes I deployed
Fly boxes I deployed
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More flies - these are my main two boxes I carry in the sling-pack, the previous two are "add-ons" as needed
More flies - these are my main two boxes I carry in the sling-pack, the previous two are "add-ons" as needed
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Finally...the wreckage!  This is (part of) what Joe & Todd killed during their visit...oh yes, a good time was had by all!
Finally...the wreckage! This is (part of) what Joe & Todd killed during their visit...oh yes, a good time was had by all!
Jmd123September 18th, 2017, 9:41 am
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2611
Here's the photos from our Marsh paddle. Note that this place is less than 10 miles from my house, in fact I can walk here in 45 minutes or drive here in less than 10...but you can't reach what we saw without a boat, the place is surrounded by marsh...but oh, the biodiversity! Didn't see much invasive either, almost all native plants. Even got a nice fish. Enjoy!


P.S. The KBF works its magic once again...

No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
PartsmanSeptember 29th, 2017, 4:33 pm
bancroft michigan

Posts: 420
Believe it or not Jonathon that is what the south end of Cedar lake used to look like. It was wild and beautiful and very hard to get into, huge sunfish and big pike and bass lived there. Things changed for the worse in the late 60,s when Brownell reality got permits to dredge, they did good job of screwing things up! I really miss going up to my grandparents place on the lake and how much fun we had growing up, fishing the lake and the pine river at my great aunts place. Things were sure a lot simpler then, I'm getting pretty fed up with everything going on now a days.


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