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> > Mayflies DVD Review

AdirmanJune 21st, 2011, 8:58 pm
Monticello, NY

Posts: 505
I bought the James Marsh DVD on Mayflies as advertised on Troutnut. Cost $34.95 w/ shipping and got w/in about 7-8 days, not bad. The DVD sound quality was a little weak at times but not bad; overall it was very informative though! The host, James Marsh, takes you through all of the major Mayflies w/ upclose shots, Latin names, and common name. Overall, I'd give it about a B. Solid stuff and defintely worth getting but could be a tad better in terms of sound quality and maybe providing a scenario where he (James) himself actually fishes and exhibits his thought processes from initial arrival on-stream to actually successfully catching trout. Still though, solid and recommended!!

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