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> > Recipe: Stealth, patience, and NO micro-drag, Page 2

Report at a Glance

General RegionN Colorado
Time of Day12 to 2pm
Conditions & HatchesOvercast, then bright sun.

Details and Discussion

PaulRobertsFebruary 3rd, 2011, 9:29 am

Posts: 1776
Hey Tyler! Someone I've actually seen with my own eyes. Between Spence and I you'll get plenty of reading. Hunting has been competing for my time lately, but when I get out I'll post, and as you know I can't avoid blabbing on about all the cool details that make each outing so

Good to have you, and your expertise, here. It's a darn good site, apparently getting better.
PaulRobertsFebruary 3rd, 2011, 9:49 am

Posts: 1776
That fire took out 170 homes and left my neighborhood...rather quiet. It's always been quiet as we're up away from town, but it's an eerie quiet now. My house and two others survived on my road -one heavily damaged -the "most on-fire house" the firefighters ever saved. Can't begin to tell it all, but I left on a dead run it came so fast. I ran around warning unaware neighbors. 0ne was in the shower and her house went first. My own mitigation, and firefighters, saved my place. We sustained smoke damage is all. Our little town, and school my wife teaches at, were saved at the very last moment by an on-the-money strike from a federal slurry bomber. We were evacuated for a month. Things are back to normal now, but the landscape is very different -moonscaped in some areas. Landslides are considered inevitable now, which may affect some of my neighbors. We are on a ridge top so we're safe.
OldredbarnFebruary 3rd, 2011, 11:15 am
Novi, MI

Posts: 2608
Sorry to hear that!

We have had a couple fires over the last couple years up in Grayling that gave everyone a little pause. One of the last ones was started after someone had a permit for a so-called "controlled burn" that got out-of-control when the winds picked up. There is so much dead-fall back in those woods that its a given that under the right conditions there will be serious problems...A few years back it jumped the highway and was lapping the southern edges of Grayling itself.

Back near the end of the 80's they had a very large one and those of us that remember where it was can still see the results, but for the most part a stranger driving by wouldn't.

My brother-in-law lives in the high-desert up and across from Joshua Tree Nat Park...They had a serious fire a few years back and they still don't know why their home is still standing...The fire left a burn trail almost up to the home. He said it completely changed the look of the place.

They had been in Palm Springs visiting the doctors and as they drove home the firemen had the road uphill to their place blocked and they housed folks in a local school for a couple days...For the most part the most important thing they lost was a rare amp that my brother-in-law had stored in a building where he works that burnt to the ground. A weird aside: The unfortunate thing was that the guitar player for Lucinda Williams had borrowed the amp and had kept it for some time and my brother-in-law didn't want to lose it and took it back...If he would of left it were it was it may still be around...I think it was from the 50's sometime.

Oh...There was the scorched cat...It's ok luckily.

I'm glad you and yours are ok, but as you know, you can't play around with fires like that...It's a strange thing, no doubt, to leave your home and not be sure if everything from your life will still be there when you get back. I know a couple that was spared during the late 80's fire near Grayling that sold their place and moved in to town after.

"Even when my best efforts fail it's a satisfying challenge, and that, after all, is the essence of fly fishing." -Chauncy Lively

"Envy not the man who lives beside the river, but the man the river flows through." Joseph T Heywood

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