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> > Middle Lehigh River 5-15-2008

Report at a Glance

Time of Day1500-2100
Fish CaughtOne smallmouth bass, One rainbow trout
Conditions & HatchesFalling Clear water in the upper 50's
Flow was approx 700cfs
Mostly sunny skies
Very breezy untill the sun started to drop
March Brown/Grey Foxes
Assorted Caddis (most prominent were tan/tan and tan/green)

Details and Discussion

JOHNWMay 15th, 2008, 8:35 pm
Chambersburg, PA

Posts: 452
Nymphed hard for the first 4 hours and only resulted in the lone smalmouth. Wind made upstream cast very difficult and flow required 5-8 BB shot to get to the bottom (on top of heavily weighted nymphs).

Mayflies started to get going around 1900 and the frustration began. This wasn't the typical frustration of not being able to get fish to take but instead seeing so many bugs on the water and absolutly nothing working them. Finally around 2015 a few fish started to roll on some duns and I was able to hook and land a very fat and fiest bow before losing light to wade by.
Overall a beautiful but very disappointing day.
Forecast is for rain and an east wind on the Raritan bay tomorrow hopefully the rockfish will be cooperative.
"old habits are hard to kill once you have gray in your beard" -Old Red Barn

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