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Male Attenella attenuata (Small Eastern Blue-Winged Olive) Mayfly Dun Pictures

 This specimen came from the same hatch as a female.

This mayfly was collected from the Namekagon River on June 8th, 2005 and added to on May 26th, 2006.

Recent Discussions of this Dun

Posted by Oldredbarn on Jun 8, 2010
This third picture from the underside I find interesting. On my last trip to Au Sable in MI in late May 2010 I stopped to sit on some instream structure and was floored by the number of nymphs crawling around on my wading boots. There is always something there but this particular time the activity was heavy.

One of the nymphs stuck out from the others and had this same greenish color as this dun. All the others seemed very dark, the typical browns to black.

I was in fairly fast water that was hip deep in spots and maybe deeper towards the middle of the stream...Anyway it caught my eye and I should of hung on to it or took a photo.

It was very warm up there for that time in May...

One of the nights a friend and I were trying to figure out what was going on. I stepped out in to the bubble stream with a small siene and again was floored about the number of bugs being caught in it. I think it may have been one of those "benthic drift" situations we have all read about...There was everything in large numbers but very small stuff and for the most part mangled up...Or so it seemed...

These may have been smallish spinners, but no feeding fish interested...It was frustrating to say the least...I was showing primo water to someone who had never been there before...I was trying to show it off and the fish were snubbing their noses at us...I guess they weren't even doing that really...They were probably stuffing themselves underwater on all the activity...

Just obsevations here.


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