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Acroneuria carolinensis (Golden Stone) Stonefly Nymph Pictures

This stonefly was collected from unknown on February 7th, 2004 and added to on January 25th, 2006.

Recent Discussions of this Nymph

Acroneuria specimen moved from genus to species level
Posted by Entoman on Mar 11, 2012
The head markings better match up with A. carolinensis (pronounced unbroken W, thick tapering occipital band). Another clue is the femora maculation. A. abnormis usually has either dark brown legs without obvious maculation or longitudinal dark stripes as opposed to the pale bands or blotches evidenced on this specimen. While a dark dorsal habitus is usually associated with abnormis, it is not a very dependable character. The other common species (lycorias) has head and leg markings that can look quite similar, but it has anal gills and usually a pale center with dark margins on the terga.

A. carolinensis

A. abnormis

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