Odd Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 6
These odds and ends didn't fit into any of my other categories. Sometimes a really weird (or slightly twisted) picture opportunity presents itself and it's hard to can't pass it up. I think the oddest picture so far was the crayfish that grabbed my nymph and held on long enough for the camera.
Spotting scope set up on the barnacles at low tide, looking for bears.
Wild geranium. I'm not sure how to tell which species this is within the genus Geranium, but Geranium erianthum is common in Alaska, so that may be it.
Panorama of a trout stream valley after a May thunderstorm.
Date AddedOct 8, 2012
CameraCanon PowerShot D10
The Gulkana Glacier is an iconic landmark for north-bound travelers (or, I suppose, south-bound travelers looking north) on the Richardson Highway. Thankfully, its silty runoff drains not into the Gulkana River drainage but into Phelan Creek in the Yukon drainage instead.
Date AddedMay 25, 2011
I think this is one of my most interesting portraits of my dog Taiga, although you have to look close to see her!
Date AddedMay 25, 2011