Odd Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 45
These odds and ends didn't fit into any of my other categories. Sometimes a really weird (or slightly twisted) picture opportunity presents itself and it's hard to can't pass it up. I think the oddest picture so far was the crayfish that grabbed my nymph and held on long enough for the camera.
Here's the view from my front porch in Fairbanks, Alaska, during a nice auroral display.
Storm view south of Broad Pass
Date AddedJun 8, 2020
CameraCanon EOS 7D Mark II
Third night's camp. Looking down-valley toward upper Windy Creek.
View beyond the second pass
Rocky mountain pass
Caribou trails
Date AddedJun 8, 2020
CameraCanon EOS 7D Mark II
Lone bull caribou. This mid-sized bull is grazing in the upper right corner of this picture, in a high meadow above a cliff half-way up a mountain.
View to the third pass