Odd Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 4
These odds and ends didn't fit into any of my other categories. Sometimes a really weird (or slightly twisted) picture opportunity presents itself and it's hard to can't pass it up. I think the oddest picture so far was the crayfish that grabbed my nymph and held on long enough for the camera.
Sunset over USFWS sheefish camp
Date AddedDec 23, 2014
CameraNIKON D5300
Date AddedOct 8, 2012
CameraCanon PowerShot D10
Date AddedSep 25, 2011
I felt an overwhelming urge to obey this sign.
Cabin with caribou watchtower
Date AddedDec 23, 2014
CameraNIKON D5300
This is one of my favorite pictures -- I think it really captures the character of the place. This is the view from the south of Sukakpak Mountain, a prominent landmark on the south side of the Brooks Range. The Dalton Highway winds in an arc around Sukapak, providing very different views from different angles.
Beginning of Alpine Creek
Backlit spruces at sunset
Date AddedDec 23, 2014
CameraNIKON D5300
This partial solar eclipse today was most prominent across parts of Siberia, the Arctic Ocean, and Scandanavia, but I caught the outer edge of it here in Fairbanks, Alaska. I went out to a quiet spot next to the Tanana River behind the airport, and shot this composite photo of several short exposures of the sun during the eclipse, and one longer exposure at the end, capturing the thin clouds that crept into the frame.