Odd Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 25
These odds and ends didn't fit into any of my other categories. Sometimes a really weird (or slightly twisted) picture opportunity presents itself and it's hard to can't pass it up. I think the oddest picture so far was the crayfish that grabbed my nymph and held on long enough for the camera.
My wife bushwhacks through some dwarf birch on our way up into the mountains. There's no trail.
Should-be grouse habitat
Granite Mountain with Granite Mountain Lookout tower on top
Date AddedJun 23, 2017
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Windy Creek Road
Rainbow over the Clearwater Creek valley.
Second lake down Alpine Creek
I let my little light cahill spinner dangle in the air a bit too long while looking for rises. There were at least 30 bats flying around the pool, and this one hooked itself on my fly. I just let it fly around my rod tip and, while trying to figure out what to do, I took some pictures. (When in doubt...) Eventually it managed to unhook itself and fly away.
Date AddedOct 4, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Skinning it out. Starting the job at about 5:55 pm.