Odd Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 16
These odds and ends didn't fit into any of my other categories. Sometimes a really weird (or slightly twisted) picture opportunity presents itself and it's hard to can't pass it up. I think the oddest picture so far was the crayfish that grabbed my nymph and held on long enough for the camera.
South Fork Pass Creek valley panorama
Jason's 2013 Caribou. (Gross caption warning! read no further if easily disgusted!) The goo coming out the nose and mouth was a result of a very unusual bullet hit that scrambled the trachea/esophagus and left stomach contents oozing out the respiratory tract. The same shot clipped the top of the heart for an instant kill. This animal was not traditionally "gut-shot" at all, though, and I was able to keep all the meat untainted.
Mt Hayes
Troutnut in hunting mode.
Backlit dwarf birch