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Nature Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 35

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 From Mystery Creek # 142 in Montana.
Date TakenSep 16, 2009
Date AddedJun 27, 2011
CameraNIKON D300
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 From Mystery Creek # 142 in Montana.
Date TakenSep 16, 2009
Date AddedJun 27, 2011
CameraNIKON D300
Beaver dam and beaver lodge overgrown with willows From the Maclaren River Trail in Alaska.
Beaver dam and beaver lodge overgrown with willows
Date TakenSep 15, 2013
Date AddedSep 20, 2013
Final load packed up. I strapped the hind quarters off either side of my bike's rear tire rack, loaded the burger/rib bag and antlers in my pack, and had an easy ride out to the car without Lena having to carry anything or get messy caribou on her gear. From Clearwater Mountains in Alaska.
Final load packed up. I strapped the hind quarters off either side of my bike's rear tire rack, loaded the burger/rib bag and antlers in my pack, and had an easy ride out to the car without Lena having to carry anything or get messy caribou on her gear.
Date TakenSep 15, 2013
Date AddedSep 20, 2013
Beautiful yellow valley From Clearwater Mountains in Alaska.
Beautiful yellow valley
Date TakenSep 15, 2013
Date AddedSep 20, 2013
Denali Highway From Clearwater Mountains in Alaska.
Denali Highway
Date TakenSep 15, 2013
Date AddedSep 20, 2013
I caught several wild and colorful 8-9 inch brook trout in the clear little pool below this waterfall. From Mystery Creek # 89 in New York.
I caught several wild and colorful 8-9 inch brook trout in the clear little pool below this waterfall.
Date TakenSep 8, 2006
Date AddedOct 4, 2006
Alaska Range from Mile 52 Denali Highway. The left-most double peak is 12,510-foot Mt Shand (left) and 13,020-foot Mt Moffit (right). The other two tall peaks, middle and right, are unnamed (at least on Google Earth). The peak on the horizon about 2/3 of the way from Mt Moffit to the unnamed middle peak is 11,400-foot McGinnis Peak. From Denali Highway in Alaska.
Alaska Range from Mile 52 Denali Highway. The left-most double peak is 12,510-foot Mt Shand (left) and 13,020-foot Mt Moffit (right). The other two tall peaks, middle and right, are unnamed (at least on Google Earth). The peak on the horizon about 2/3 of the way from Mt Moffit to the unnamed middle peak is 11,400-foot McGinnis Peak.
Date TakenSep 15, 2013
Date AddedSep 20, 2013
 From Willowemoc Creek in New York.
Date TakenMar 22, 2005
Date AddedFeb 1, 2006
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
Taiga fetching From the Maclaren River Trail in Alaska.
Taiga fetching
Date TakenSep 15, 2013
Date AddedSep 20, 2013
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