Nature Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 112
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Kamchatka lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis), also known as the chocolate lily.
Here's a twilight picture of the upper end of a very remote old spring pond. Miles from anything, it was once rumored to hold large brook trout, although access is almost impossible now and the habitat has changed dramatically.
A black bear cub shimmies down a tree trunk near one of my favorite trout streams.
Here's a little bigger arctic grayling from my first day fishing for them.
Date AddedJul 18, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi
The Long Lake Branch of the White runs slow and deep through the vast Bibon Swamp after emerging from a hilly upland forest.
A porcupine climbs a pine tree near a trout stream.
I saw this porcupine cross the road behind me while I was watching from a bridge for some large trout I'd heard about. I ran back to the car for the camera and got quite close for a picture. Speed is not one of the noble porcupine's many virtues.
A very typical section of the six miles of "trail"
Date AddedJul 21, 2016
CameraNIKON 1 AW1
Typical mosquito coverage on my hat during the hike in
Date AddedJul 21, 2016
CameraNIKON 1 AW1