Nature Pictures from Trout Streams, Page 108
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Two storied Catskill rivers become one at this pool.
Here's the most famous pool in the world. I was shocked that the fishing was so good--I had expected such a legendary place to be overfished. While it certainly sees a lot of pressure, it's still possible to have the whole 300-yard pool to yourself once in a while, and in the fall it doesn't get anywhere close to the combat fishing it sees during the major hatch seasons. It supports a terrific population of the most picky free-rising trout I've ever seen.
Where are chest waders when you need them?
Date AddedJul 14, 2013
CameraCanon PowerShot D10
A two families of Canada geese flee our canoe.
Here I'm netting a nice rainbow in the rapids.
Date AddedJul 19, 2007
CameraPENTAX Optio WPi