Welcome to Flymphs, Soft-hackles and Spiders.  This site is intended to serve as a data-base for wingless wet flies.  All the flymphs, soft-hackles and spiders shown in this database are tied by Mark E. Libertone.  Some of the patterns were created by Mark, but others are old favorites from the past.

Flymphs, soft-hackles and spiders are historical flies. Many of them originated in the “North Country” of England.  The term “ Flymph “ was first used by Vern Hidy to distinguish a soft-hackled, wingless wet fly representing a hatching insect. 

The flies on the following pages are a cross-selection of Flymphs, Soft-hackles and Spiders. By clicking on the smaller images, you will be directed to a larger photo of the fly along with the dressing used to complete the fly. Please feel free to visit, often, as additions to the fly patterns will continue.

Mark Libertone is a proud member of the International Brotherhood of the Flymph


To learn more about Mark, CLICK HERE

To visit my new fishing site, CLICK HERE