» Genus Anthopotamus (Golden Drakes)
1 species (Anthopotamus verticis)
isn't included.
Common Name
These mayflies have something for everyone. For the angler, they offer a chance to fish large dry flies to a rise on midsummer evenings when little else is on the water. To the entomologist they are interesting for their unique placement mid-way between the burrower and crawler groups of nymphs. Another curious characteristic is that the eyes of the adults are the same size in both genders; this is very unusual in mayflies. Where & WhenRegions: East, Midwest
Time Of Year (?): Late June through August
Preferred Waters: Mostly medium to large rivers
See the individual species pages for distribution and timing details. Anthopotamus distinctus is the main species in the East, and Anthopotamus myops is more common in the Midwest.Hatching BehaviorTime Of Day (?): Throughout late evening, peaking at dusk, sometimes after dark on hot days.
Habitat: Slow to medium water
Water Temperature: 65-70°F
These mayflies emerge fairly quickly, but they may linger on the surface for a while as their wings dry, making dun patterns the imitation of choice. They can make some commotion which is worth imitating if a still pattern does not work.
Caucci and Nastasi in Hatches II say that the duns begin hatching when the temperature drops below 70°F in the evenings. However, in Matching the Hatch, Ernest Schwiebert reports a hatch when the water temperature was a steamy 78°F. The trout are unlikely to respond at such times.Spinner BehaviorTime Of Day: Twilight to late night
Ted Fauceglia writes in Mayflies that the best trout activity associated with these spinner falls happens well after dark. This is the only mention of fishing to the spinners that I've found.Nymph BiologyCurrent Speed: Slow to Medium
Substrate: Detritus (Detritus: Small, loose pieces of decaying organic matter underwater.) over sand, gravel, or silt
Environmental Tolerance: They have an unusually high tolerance for warm, shallow water.
The nymphs of this genus are the unique representatives of a transitional step between the crawler nymph group and the burrower nymphs. They don't dig U-shaped burrows into the sediment like Ephemeridae nymphs do, but they do settle down into indentations in the detritus (Detritus: Small, loose pieces of decaying organic matter underwater.).
They become active on the bottom shortly before emerging, and fishing nymph imitations before the hatch may reward the angler.
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