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Mayfly Family Caenidae (Angler's Curses)

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» Family Caenidae (Angler's Curses)
Genus in CaenidaeNumber of SpecimensNumber of Pictures
BrachycercusAngler's Curses00
CaenisAngler's Curses00

2 genera aren't included.
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***Angler's Curses
Pictures Below
The tiny mayflies of this family are usually found in warm, slow, marginal trout water, although some trout streams hold good populations too.

The only genus ever known to produce fishable hatches is Caenis. It turns up frequently for anglers who sample nymphs, but it is rarely of any practical importance for fly fishing because its emergence traits and tiny size (even smaller than Tricorythodes) make it relatively unimportant.

Brachycercus is even more focused on warm water than Caenis.

Pictures of 11 Mayfly Specimens in the Family Caenidae:

Specimen Page:12
Caenis (Angler's Curses) Mayfly NymphCaenis (Angler's Curses) Mayfly Nymph View 4 PicturesI confirmed the identity of this nymph by looking at it under a microscope to be certain of the shape of its gills and head.
Collected January 31, 2004 from unknown in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Caenis (Angler's Curses) Mayfly NymphCaenis (Angler's Curses) Mayfly Nymph View 3 PicturesThis interesting little Caenis nymph is way darker than any of the others I collected in January 2004, probably a different species. It also has shorter tails.
Collected January 31, 2004 from unknown in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Caenis (Angler's Curses) Mayfly NymphCaenis (Angler's Curses) Mayfly Nymph View 3 Pictures
Collected February 7, 2004 from unknown in Wisconsin
Added to by Troutnut on January 25, 2006
Specimen Page:12

Recent Discussions of Caenidae

Missing genera (from missing list)
Posted by AndyV on Nov 8, 2022
Latineosus, Sparbarus, Susperatus should all be included in the genera that aren't included (I think).


There is 1 more topic.

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