» Species femoratum (Cream Cahill)
Common Name
This species is only one of many minor Light Cahills and the only species remaining in the Stenonema genus after the classic superhatches were reclassified into Maccaffertium and Stenacron. Its habitat and behavior is not different from those species, except as noted below, and you should consult the pages for those genera if you need angling information for this hatch. Where & WhenRegions: East, Midwest
Time Of Year (?): Early May to early September, peaking in early June
Preferred Waters: Lakes, warmwater streams, and warm trout streams
Nymph BiologyCurrent Speed: Slow to medium
Substrate: Stones, sunken logs, and leaf drift (Leaf drift: The mass of dead leaves gathered on the bottom of the stream, sometimes stacked thick in still places like back eddies. Many aquatic invertebrates use the leaf drift for shelter and food. Most insects shred the leaves to digest the bacteria and plankton living on them, rather than digesting the leaves themselves.)
Environmental Tolerance: Quite tolerant of pollution; thrives in warm water
Pictures of 1 Mayfly Specimen in the Species Stenonema femoratum:
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