This western species distribution somewhat overlaps both Epeorus longimanus and Epeorus albertae and they often occur together. This species is not as common or important. Where & WhenRegion: West
Time Of Year (?): July through early October
Preferred Waters: Fast, cold, mid-size rivers
Altitude: Above 5,000 feet
Hatching BehaviorHabitat: Slow water near the nymphs' fast-water habitat
Pictures of 2 Mayfly Specimens in the Species Epeorus deceptivus:
Epeorus deceptivus Mayfly Nymph
View 4 PicturesIdentification notes from the microscope: Gills on segment 1 extend anteriorly below the body, but not all the way to touching; posterolateral spines minor; femora (Femur: The main segment of an insect's leg close to the body, in between the tibia and the trochanter.) without fuscous macula. Your Thoughts On Epeorus deceptivus:
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