Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Common Name
This is page 62 of specimens of Animalia. Visit the main Animalia page for:
- The behavior and habitat of Animalia.
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Pictures of 1264 Animal Specimens:
Siphlonurus phyllis (Gray Drake) Mayfly Nymph
View 3 PicturesThis specimen was the first record from Montana and the first record from the mountain west except Alberta where it was first described. It was found in temporary ponds.The nymph has double gills on all segments. The abdominal stripe is an important feature for identification Female Timpanoga hecuba (Great Red Quill) Mayfly Dun
View 3 PicturesThis specimen is 14 mm. Technically this is the subspecies (Subspecies: Entomologists sometimes further divide a species into distinct groups called subspecies, which have two lower-case words on the end of their scientific name instead of one. The latter is the sub-species name. For example, Maccaffertium mexicanum mexicanum and Maccaffertium mexicanum integrum are two different subspecies of Maccaffertium mexicanum.) T. h. hecuba. The Cascades, Sierras and further West is where the other subspecies (Subspecies: Entomologists sometimes further divide a species into distinct groups called subspecies, which have two lower-case words on the end of their scientific name instead of one. The latter is the sub-species name. For example, Maccaffertium mexicanum mexicanum and Maccaffertium mexicanum integrum are two different subspecies of Maccaffertium mexicanum.), T. h. pacifica is found. The Great Basin seems to have formed a barrier preventing any overlap in their distribution. Male Psychoglypha (Snow Sedges) Caddisfly Adult
View 2 PicturesThis Psychoglypha adult was found clinging to my garage door in the evening on April 9, 2013. It measures 21 mm in length, from the front of head to the end of wings. It is my hope that Creno will be able to identify it to species based on the image of its genitalia. However, if other images are required for a species ID, the specimen is available, so they can be easily taken. Thanks, Roger Rohrbeck, Mercer Island, WA.