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Animal Kingdom Animalia (Animals)

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This is page 10 of specimens of Animalia. Visit the main Animalia page for:

  • The behavior and habitat of Animalia.
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Pictures of 1264 Animal Specimens:

Specimen Page:1...91011...128
Male Nixe inconspicua Mayfly DunMale Nixe inconspicua  Mayfly Dun View 13 PicturesThis pretty little dun was part of a sparse midsummer evening hatch on a large Catskill river.

I could not identify it by following a species key step by step, but I tentatively keyed it to the genus Nixe, and based on distribution maps and physical descriptions the most likely species is Nixe inconspicua.
Collected July 13, 2005 from the East Branch of the Delaware River in New York
Added to by Troutnut on April 14, 2006
Ephemerella invaria (Sulphur Dun) Mayfly NymphEphemerella invaria (Sulphur Dun) Mayfly Nymph View 8 PicturesThis small Ephemerella invaria nymph was at least a month away from emergence.
Collected April 19, 2006 from the Beaverkill River in New York
Added to by Troutnut on April 21, 2006
Amphipoda (Scuds) Scud AdultAmphipoda (Scuds) Arthropod Adult View 7 Pictures
Collected March 29, 2006 from Salmon Creek in New York
Added to by Troutnut on April 7, 2006
Male Baetis (Blue-Winged Olives) Mayfly DunMale Baetis (Blue-Winged Olives) Mayfly Dun View 14 PicturesThis dun molted most of the way into a spinner (though the wings got stuck) the evening after I photographed it, so I took some more photos of the spinner.

I found a female nearby, probably of the same species.
Collected September 19, 2006 from Mystery Creek #43 in New York
Added to by Troutnut on October 4, 2006
Calopteryx Damselfly NymphCalopteryx  Damselfly Nymph View 7 Pictures
Collected March 29, 2005 from Fall Creek in New York
Added to by Troutnut on April 6, 2006
Male Cinygmula (Dark Red Quills) Mayfly SpinnerMale Cinygmula (Dark Red Quills) Mayfly Spinner View 11 PicturesI'm unsure of the ID on this one; keys put it closest to Cinygmula reticulata, but I'm very doubtful of the species and not positive on the genus. Epeorus is another possibility, but I don't know which species it would be.

This one was collected in association with a female dun probably of the same species.
Collected July 1, 2017 from the South Fork Stillaguamish River in Washington
Added to by Troutnut on July 2, 2017
Specimen Page:1...91011...128
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