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Troutnut Fly Fishing Forum : General TopicsTopicsPosts
General Discussion of Fly Fishing, Trout and Salmon, and Stream Insects173416446
Fly fishing, fly tying, aquatic entomology, fishing gear, rivers, trout and salmon science, and conservation issues.
Fly Tying Tips, Materials, and Techniques5035362
Ideas to make flies seem more realistic to trout (or at least to us).
Fly Fishing Gear: Rods, Reels, Lines, Leaders, etc.3513935
Fishing is more about stuff than we admit. Here we figure out once and for all which stuff is best. Yeah, right.
Fly Fishing Beginner Help103936
Where beginners ask "getting started" questions, and others share "wish-I-had-known" lessons.
Troutnut Fly Fishing Forum: Member Fishing Reports & Pictures
Fly Fishing Trip Reports4012605
Describe your fishing trips and upload pictures for free. Give as many or as few details as you like.
Get Bugs Identified4363767
Post pictures and ask questions of experts to help learn about aquatic insect identification.
Share and Discuss Photography5984832
Discuss photography equipment and techniques, and share your best fishing pictures.
Troutnut Fly Fishing Forum: Site Content Discussion
Trout Streams & Rivers40252
Talk about the trout streams featured on this site. Other stream talk goes in General Discussion.
Fly Hatch Talk from the Aquatic Insect Encyclopedia2221968
Behavior and habitat of species of mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies, and other important insects.
Individual Specimens from the Aquatic Insect Encyclopedia3941787
Identification or imitation of particular specimens, and comments on their pictures.
Comments on Site Updates and Blog Posts5971334
Each topic on this board hold's comments for a single day's updates and blog posts.

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  • No haiku, except on April 1st. If you feel the urge to wax poetic on any other day of the year, please write a limerick.
  • Watch the language. There are no naughty-word police here, but use common sense or I will call your mother on you.
  • ABSOLUTELY NO ALL-CAPS. If you're new to the Internet, you should learn that typing long passages in all-caps is the online equivalent of shouting at someone from 2 inches in front of their face after eating three cloves of garlic soaked in sardine oil.
  • Don't blatantly advertise. I'm not very territorial about web links and if you made a really neat website you can post about it. If you've got a fishing-related commercial site you can link to it tastefully in your signature. If you sign up and post one or two blatant, boring advertisements and then leave, we will boot you from our clubhouse and mock you behind your back.
  • Be at least 13 years old. There's an overreaching US law called COPPA which requires proof of parental consent to collect so much as an email address from anyone under 13. The result is that small-time website owners who don't have a system to collect, verify, and store parental consent data must instead forbid anyone under 13 from participating. Technically.
  • Don't bash state management agencies. Intelligent discussion of fishery management policy is allowed, but we have zero tolerance for conspiracy theories, character attacks, and incoherent rants against officials from your local Department of Conservation, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Fish & Game, or similar organization.
  • Use common sense and don't be a jerk. Most of the real rules here are obvious and unwritten. The right to free speech does not extend to private forums -- here, it is a privilege, and people who abuse it can be banned from ever viewing any part of this site.