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Updates from April 18, 2004

Photos by Troutnut from the Namekagon River in Wisconsin

I'm in this picture casing into the riffle above one of my favorite pools.  The fishing was fine, but the catching wasn't so hot.  I got one strike on my carefully tied nymphs and two on my cheap foam strike indicator. From the Namekagon River in Wisconsin.
I'm in this picture casing into the riffle above one of my favorite pools. The fishing was fine, but the catching wasn't so hot. I got one strike on my carefully tied nymphs and two on my cheap foam strike indicator.
Date TakenApr 18, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006

Underwater photos by Troutnut from the Namekagon River in Wisconsin

In this picture: Mayfly Genus Epeorus (Little Maryatts). From the Namekagon River in Wisconsin.
Date TakenApr 18, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006
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There are a couple Epeorus mayfly nymphs clinging to this rock.  One interesting thing I've noticed is that even though the stream has a lot of clingers, they rarely show up in my photos, and I've started paying more attention to the river bottom while I'm fishing I've noticed that clinger nymphs generally see or feel me coming and scurry to the undersides of their rocks before I can get in picture range. I think I have the same problem with stoneflies.  In this picture: Mayfly Genus Epeorus (Little Maryatts). From the Namekagon River in Wisconsin.
There are a couple Epeorus mayfly nymphs clinging to this rock. One interesting thing I've noticed is that even though the stream has a lot of clingers, they rarely show up in my photos, and I've started paying more attention to the river bottom while I'm fishing I've noticed that clinger nymphs generally see or feel me coming and scurry to the undersides of their rocks before I can get in picture range. I think I have the same problem with stoneflies.

In this picture: Mayfly Genus Epeorus (Little Maryatts).
Date TakenApr 18, 2004
Date AddedJan 25, 2006

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