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Medium Evening Sedges

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This common name refers to only one genus.

Caddisfly Genus Dolophilodes

These are often called Medium Evening Sedges.
Dolophilodes distinctus is the most interesting and important species in this genus, having a bizzarre life cycle. It is also the most abundant in the East and Midwest. The other species listed here are from the West.
Male Dolophilodes distinctus (Tiny Black Gold Speckled-Winged Caddis) Caddisfly AdultMale Dolophilodes distinctus (Tiny Black Gold Speckled-Winged Caddis) Caddisfly Adult View 6 PicturesThis caddis species was dancing high over the stream, spaced a foot or two apart across most of its width, very much like Ephemera mayfly spinners but with more side-to-side motion mixed in. There were more than enough to get the trout interested, but I wasn't able to stick around until they fell on the water (if they did at all).
Collected May 28, 2007 from in
Added to by on June 4, 2007
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