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Tiny Dun Variants

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*Attenella attenuata

This common name refers to only one species.

Mayfly Species Attenella attenuata

These are very rarely called Tiny Dun Variants.
This intriguing species has received a lot of attention in past angling books. Recent authors suspect that much of this credit was a case of mistaken identity, with Attenella attenuata receiving praise for the hatches of Drunella lata and Dannella simplex. Much of the credit was legitimate and accurate, but this species is no longer thought to be on par with its most popular cousins in Ephemerella and Drunella.

I have several specimens listed under this species, but I'm not positive the identification is correct.
Female Attenella attenuata (Small Eastern Blue-Winged Olive) Mayfly DunFemale Attenella attenuata (Small Eastern Blue-Winged Olive) Mayfly Dun View 4 PicturesThis specimen came from the same hatch as a male.
Collected June 8, 2005 from in
Added to by on May 26, 2006
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